
加入 4Life 忠誠計畫,將你喜愛的 4Life 產品每月宅配健康到家,同時還可賺取紅利點數兌換喜愛的免費產品!





賺取 15% 紅利點數回饋可用於兌換你喜愛的產品


維持每月至少 125 LP 的忠誠訂單,即可獲得每月免費滿額好禮!




當加入忠誠計畫後,你可每月選購不同的產品。如果你想變更產品、收貨地址、更改或更新信用卡資料、紅利點數兌換產品,都可隨時透過 4Life 行動辦公室 帳戶管理 管理帳戶資料






  • 問:加入忠誠計畫需要支付任何費用嗎?
  • 問:我可以更改忠誠計畫訂單中的內容嗎?
  • 忠誠客戶回饋計畫獲得的產品回饋點數是否有使用期限?
    不會,只要維持 4Life 有效會員資格,忠誠計畫產品回饋點數就不會過期。
  • 仍有疑問嗎?
    請撥打客服部門 877-903-6187


解鎖 Me and My 3 的功能,可每月賺取以下三個展業獎金之一:$50, $200, or $800

MyShop 是你的個人專屬網站,可讓你與他人分享你的折扣,並可從中賺取積分。

推薦獎勵計畫旨在快速的獎勵你,符合資格的會員將從他們親推的新優惠顧客所購買的產品中獲得獎金。最棒的是,隔天即顯示在你的 4Life 帳戶中。

入手指定系列,解鎖超過 4 萬美元之額外發展獎金。

Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions

A 4Life Loyalty Program order is an order placed on automatic shipment that meets the terms and conditions outlined below.

  • Affiliates and Preferred Customers who participate in the Loyalty Program earn 15% back in Loyalty Points to redeem for the products of their choice.
  • Loyalty Program orders of 50 LP or more are eligible to earn Loyalty Points.
  • A maximum of 75 Loyalty Points can be earned each month; however, when Preferred Customers or Affiliates purchase a Fast Start Pack on Loyalty, they will earn 15% of the Fast Start Pack volume with a maximum of 120 Loyalty Points every month. The purchase of a Fast Start Pack may exceed the maximum limit.
  • Loyalty Points expire 12 months after they are posted on the account. For example, Loyalty Points posted on January 1 will expire January 1 of the following year. Loyalty Points will expire based on a first in, first out method.
  • Loyalty Program orders of 150 LP or more processed on or before the 20th of the month will receive 35 Bonus Loyalty Points. Orders of 400 LP or more will receive 55 Bonus Loyalty Points instead of the normal 35 Bonus Loyalty Points. The Bonus Loyalty Points will be posted on the first day of the following month. The Bonus Loyalty Points are excluded the first month a new Preferred Customer signs up and may be earned the second month and thereafter (when Preferred Customer meets the 150 LP Loyalty Program requirement).
  • Loyalty Program orders must be changed the day before the monthly ship date or earlier.
  • Affiliates and Preferred Customers can choose a shipping day from the 1st through the 20th of the month.
  • Loyalty Program orders can be deferred up to two months at a time.
  • Loyalty Program orders must ship to earn Loyalty Points. Loyalty Points will be deducted for a Loyalty Program order that is returned.
  • Existing Affiliates and Preferred Customers may begin to redeem Loyalty Points 60 days after their first Loyalty Program order ships.
  • New Preferred Customers who enroll in the Loyalty Program may begin to redeem Loyalty Points 60 days after their first 4Life product order ships.
  • New Preferred Customers earn Loyalty Points on all orders placed during the first month of product purchases (subject to the defined limits), as long as the new Preferred Customer is enrolled in the Loyalty Program by the end of the following month. After the first month of purchases, Loyalty Points will only be earned on Loyalty Program orders.
  • Loyalty Points have no cash redemption value and are non-transferable.
  • Loyalty Points can only be redeemed for single-unit LP products.
  • Loyalty Points may be redeemed through the 4Life app, on your 4Life.com account, or by calling Customer Service at 1-877-903-6187.
  • Loyalty Point redemptions are only shipped with the next Loyalty Program order.
  • Loyalty Point redemptions cannot be returned or exchanged.
  • A $4 redemption fee applies to each order where Loyalty Points are redeemed.
  • Taxes may apply to redemption fees and Loyalty Point redemption orders.
  • Products redeemed through Loyalty Points have no LP.
  • You may cancel Loyalty Program participation at any time using the 4Life app, on your 4Life.com account, or by calling Customer Service at 1-877-903-6187.
  • A Loyalty Program participant will be automatically un-enrolled from the Loyalty Program after the completion of four (4) consecutive Loyalty Program periods with zero (0) LP. They may re-enroll at any time, and their Loyalty Points will will still expire after one year.