4Life Transfer Factor RioVida®



4Life Transfer Factor® RioVida® Tri-Factor® 為全球唯一含有 4Life 傳輸因子,並結合多種超級水果之液態營養補充聖品,多種高抗氧化力超級水果,巴西莓、石榴、藍莓、接骨木果等濃縮萃取而成。*

最近的獨立實驗研究發現,4Life 傳輸因子系列產品在存在健康威脅的情況下可增強自然殺手 (Nature Killer) 細胞活性,同時活化其他免疫細胞,如 B 細胞與 T 細胞。*





獨家三重傳輸因子 (Tri-Factor®) 配方,幫助強化免疫防禦力

  • UltraFactor 由嚴選牛初乳萃取含有蛋白質和小分子胜肽的傳輸因子,可傳遞免疫訊息*
  • OvoFactor® 由雞卵黃萃取而來的傳輸因子。你知道牛和雞以其強大的免疫系統而聞名嗎?*
  • NanoFactor® 由嚴選牛初乳以奈米濾膜萃取超微細分子*

滿滿維生素 C

  • RioVida 含有維生素 C、胺基酸、脂肪酸和多酚類,讓你擁有全方位的健康體驗。.*


  • RioVida 配方含多種超級水果,包含巴西莓、石榴、藍莓、接骨木果、葡萄、蘋果等濃縮萃取而成。
  • 綜合莓果風味,大人小孩都愛喝
  • 高抗氧化性的超級水果可保護身體避免自由基的侵害。*

體驗 RioVida® 綜合果汁

  • 每30毫升含傳輸因子600毫克,可幫助免疫系統面對健康威脅時快速辨識 (Recognize)、反應 (Respond)、記憶 (Remember) 的自然能力*
  • 綜合莓果風味,大人小孩都愛喝
  • 多種超級水果- 巴西莓、石榴、藍莓、接骨木果、葡萄、蘋果等濃縮萃取而成*
  • 富含花青素、必需脂肪酸、植物固醇與維生素 C,現代人長時間使用 3C 的好幫手
  • 獨家傳輸因子配方,協助提升免疫智慧I.Q*
  • 4歲以上孩童亦可安心飲用*

  • Why did the RioVida bottle change?
    This bottle shape improves RioVida’s durability as it is shipped all over the world.
  • Do I still get the same amount of product?
    Yes, you still get the same amount of RioVida juice in each bottle: 16.9 oz, or 500 mL per bottle.
  • Will the price increase?
    There will be no price increase with this new RioVida bottle.
  • Are there any formula changes?
    The RioVida formula has not changed.
  • When will I get this new RioVida bottle?
    The new RioVida bottle should begin shipping in January 2024 for the U.S. and soon after for other markets.
A. Andersen, P. Vieira-Brock, B. Vaughan, D. Vollmer. Method development for the analysis of PBMC-mediated killing of K562 cells by bovine colostrum Journal of Immunological Methods Volume 499, December 2021.

†Vetvicka V, Vetvickova J (2019) J Nutr Health Sci 6(3): 301

†Vetvicka V, Fernandez-Botran R (2020) Int Clin Pathol J. 8(1):1