4Life Transfer Factor® RioVida® Tri-Factor® Formula

Ride the river of life with RioVida®—the only liquid dietary supplement in the world to feature the immune-boosting benefits of 4Life’s patented Tri-Factor® Formula and antioxidant-rich superfruits. Açaí, pomegranate, blueberry, and elderberry blend together to form a delicious defense against naturally occurring free radicals, while 4Life Transfer Factor® helps your immune system better recognize, respond to, and remember potential health threats. Just 1 oz. per day provides you with an abundance of nutrition for your vibrant life!*

Product Supports

Antioxidant 抗氧化 Healthy Aging 健康老化 Immune System 免疫系統 Overall Wellness 全面保健

產品成分介紹 : 提升全面健康的卓越成分

Along with OvoFactor and NanoFactor, helps immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest*
Source: USA
Apple juice concentrate
Made from whole apple juice. Concentrate means that most of the water has been removed to preserve quality and decrease the cost of shipping. From various countries, depending on the season.
Source: Season dependant
Purple grape juice concentrate
Made from whole purple grapes that are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. From various countries, depending on the season.
Source: Season dependant
Blueberry juice concentrate
Made from whole blueberries that are rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins. From various countries, depending on the season.
Source: Season dependant
Açai juice concentrate
Made from açai berries, which are high in antioxidants called anthocyanins.
Source: Brazil
Pomegranate juice concentrate
Made from whole pomegranates, which are rich in several beneficial antioxidants, including gallic acid. From various countries, depending on the season.
Source: Season dependant
Elderberry juice concentrate
Rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins and made from whole elderberries. From various countries, depending on the season.
Source: Season dependant
Filtered water
Tap water that goes through extra steps to remove chlorine, minerals, and other residual contaminants. Used to reconstitute the juice concentrates in RioVida®.
Source: USA

Transfer Factor RioVida 並含有:

維生素 C (ascorbic acid) - - 維生素 C 為人體的必需營養素, 具有抗氧化作用, 同時還可幫助 RioVida® 保持美味的風味。
甘油 - - 作為統一 RioVida® 果汁的濃稠度與滑潤度
天然香料 - - 由各種水果製成的天然濃縮果汁, 每批風味會略有不同, 因此添加天然香料, 以確保每一瓶風味口感均相同。

  • 產品細節

    Ride the river of life with RioVida®—the only liquid dietary supplement in the world to feature the immune-boosting benefits of 4Life’s patented Tri-Factor® Formula and antioxidant-rich superfruits. Açaí, pomegranate, blueberry, and elderberry blend together to form a delicious defense against naturally occurring free radicals, while 4Life Transfer Factor® helps your immune system better recognize, respond to, and remember potential health threats. Just 1 oz. per day provides you with an abundance of nutrition for your vibrant life!*

  • 主要特色

  • Patents

  • 健康支援

  • 主要成分

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  • 其他資料

傳輸因子為大自然的免疫智慧, 可協助體內辨識, 反應和記憶 (簡稱 3Rs)潛在的健康威脅*

辨識 (Recognize)


辨識 (Recognize)

傳輸因子為負責傳遞重要訊息的天然小分子物質, 可協助免疫細胞快速辨識入侵的健康威脅*

反應 (Respond)


反應 (Respond)

傳輸因子可幫助免疫系統面對潛在威脅時, 採取更快速的反應機制*

記憶 (Remember)


記憶 (Remember)

傳輸因子可幫助記憶免疫系統曾遭遇的健康威脅之構成, 當再遇見時, 體內可更快速地辨識威脅, 並以更快速的反應來抵禦*

Transfer Factor RioVida Burst

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Transfer Factor RioVida Stix

RioVida Chews

價格 $42.00 $34.00 $29.00
Activates the Immune System within 2 hours1
型態 即飲包 沖飲包 嚼錠
規格 每盒 15 包,每包 8 公克 每盒15包,每包30毫升 每包 3 0顆(每顆 5 公克)
4Life 傳輸因子
維生素 C
2 歲及以上孩童適用
4 歲及以上孩童適用
輕鬆分享 每份為獨立包裝並附有標籤 每份為獨立包裝並附有標籤 每份為獨立包裝