解鎖 Me and My 3® 的功能, 可每月賺取以下三個展業獎金之一 : 展業 50, 展業 200 或展業 800。


推薦新會員加入. 並確保他們的忠誠計畫訂單達到 100 LP 以上。




建構理想的 4Life 團隊並不斷地晉升級別。


要獲得每月的展業獎金, 你必須合格經理級, 並維持 100 LP 以上的忠誠訂單, 同時達成所需的團隊積分。


  • 第 1 層有 3 位親推優惠顧客或會員均完成忠誠訂單並符合 100 LP 以上
  • 小組積分達 600 LP*
  • 符合經理或經理菁英 **

   表示此人已加入 忠誠計畫.


  • 第 1 層有 3 位親推會員, 每位皆符合 100 LP的忠誠計畫訂單, 會員個人及第 1 層親推會員業績積分合計符合 600 LP 以上
  • 符合經理級, 經理菁英, 鑽石級或鑽石菁英之會員


  • 你的第 2 層有 9 位會員, 每位皆有 3 位親推會員 (符合 100 LP 忠誠計畫訂單), 且個人及親推第 1 層會員業績積分合計達 600 LP 以上
  • 這 9 位會員必須在不同的 3 條組織中各有 3 位
  • 符合經理級以上至白金大使級別, 皆可領取展業獎金 (銅級及以上級別, 當月須維持最高級別方可領取展業 800)



  • 問 : 我需要 100 LP 忠誠訂單才能獲得展業獎金, 首筆訂單是否計入忠誠計畫?
    答 : 是的, 加入後的首筆訂單達 100 LP 以上, 即可領取展業獎金, 但必須在當月月底前加入忠誠計畫, 且次月完成 100 LP 以上的忠誠訂單。
  • 問 : 如果我在當月 20 日之後, 才得知自己沒有符合要求的親推人數來獲得展業獎金怎麼辦?
    答 : 你可以在當月月底前補足親推會員人數, 確認他們的首筆訂單符合 100 LP 以上, 並加入忠誠計畫。次月, 這些會員必須完成 100 LP 的忠誠訂單, 以免獎金將被收回。
  • 問 : 我的 MyShop 帳戶上的訂單是否計入展業獎金所需的 600 LP 團隊積分中?
    答:是的。 MyShop 訂單可計入 600 LP 團隊積分。
  • 問 : 我可以獲得幾次展業獎金?
    答 : 是的, 若你每月符合領取資格, 即可每月領取展業獎金 $50, $200 或是 $800。
  • 問:哪些級別可以賺取展業獎金?
    會員符合經理級, 經理菁英可領取展業 50, 符合經理級, 經理菁英, 鑽石級和鑽石菁英可領取展業 200, 符合經理級以上至白金大使可領取展業 800。備註 : 展業獎金的計算, 是以你曾達成的最高級別來計算, 舉例來說, 若你曾達成的最高級別為總裁級, 但考核當月只符合經理級, 則無法領取 展業 50 或 展業 200; 若你的最高級別為銅級, 考核當月符合相同級別, 則可領取展業 800。展業獎金結算日在組織獎金結算日之前, 因此, 展業獎金領取資格級別, 是以上次領取組織獎金所達成的最高級別計算。
  • 問 : 要獲得展業獎金, 必須在同一個月內同時推薦 3 位新會員嗎?
    答 : 不一定。3 位會員可以是同一個月份加入, 也可以是不同月份加入, 惟考核當月, 必須同時有 3 位你所親推的第一層會員都 有100 LP 的忠誠計畫訂單。


加入 4Life 忠誠計畫, 將你喜愛的 4Life 產品每月宅配健康到家。維持符合資格的訂單, 每月可獲得滿額好禮以及可兌換免費產品的紅利點數!

MyShop 是你的個人專屬網站, 可讓你與他人分享, 訂購 4Life 的所有訊息與產品, 並可從中賺取積分。

推薦獎勵計畫旨在快速的獎勵你, 符合資格的會員將從他們親推的新優惠顧客所購買的產品中獲得獎金。最棒的是, 隔天即顯示在你的 4Life 帳戶中。

入手指定系列,解鎖超過 4 萬美元之額外發展獎金。

Builder Bonus for Designated Markets Terms and Conditions
  1. 4Life Affiliates at the Builder rank or above who reside in a market designated by 4Life (generally markets where 4Life does not have an office) may participate.
  2. For existing Preferred Customers and Affiliates, orders and LP transfers equaling 100 LP or more, processed by the 20th day of the qualifying month, count toward Builder Bonus requirements.
  3. Loyalty Program orders must be paid for by the account holder (credit card must match account holder’s name) and shipped to the primary shipping address listed on the account.
  4. Product returns may result in a retraction of the Builder Bonus earned.
  5. To qualify for the $50 bonus, you must have three personally enrolled Preferred Customers or Affiliates on your frontline, each with at least 100 PV by the 20th of the month, and have 600 LP in Team Volume. This bonus is available to Affiliates at the ranks of Builder and Builder Elite. (Team Volume includes your Principal Volume, plus the PV of your frontline Preferred Customers and Affiliates.)
  6. To qualify for the $200 bonus, you must have 600 LP in Team Volume. You must also have three personally enrolled frontline Affiliates, each with three qualified (100 PV) Preferred Customers or Affiliates on their frontline with a minimum of 600 LP in Team Volume. This bonus is available to Affiliates at the ranks of Builder, Builder Elite, Diamond, and Diamond Elite.
  7. To qualify for the $800 bonus, you must have 600 LP in Team Volume. You must also have nine qualified Affiliates on your second level, each with three qualified (100 PV), personally enrolled Preferred Customers or Affiliates under them with a minimum of 600 LP in Team Volume. Your nine qualified Affiliates in your second level need to be in three separate legs with three Affiliates in each leg. This bonus is available to Affiliates from Builders to Platinum Elites. Affiliates who have a highest achieved rank of Bronze or above must be paid at their highest achieved rank to be eligible.
  8. An Affiliate may earn the $50, $200, or $800 bonus, but only one per month.
  9. The Builder Bonus is paid monthly, as long as all qualifications are met, and will be added to the Affiliate’s primary commission payment.
  10. In order to qualify for the Builder Bonus, participants in markets where an office is not present can use Preferred Customers or Affiliates from markets where an office is not present and/or where an office is present.
  11. New personal Preferred Customer signups can be included in your frontline if they have 100 LP or more in Principal Volume and if they join the Loyalty Program by the last day of the month. MyShop order volume may be placed at any time during the month.
  12. These Terms and Conditions are for markets designated by 4Life where 4Life does not have an office. See above Terms and Conditions for markets where 4Life has an office.

*小組積分 (Team Volume) 包括你本人, 以及你的第一層優惠顧客和會員的訂單。

**展業獎金適用於所有的會員, 從經理級至白金大使。對於 4Life 全球沒有辦公室的市場, 則該計畫進行了些許修正, 請參考你所屬市場網站上的相關規範。

±由於多種因素的影響, 會員收入會有所不同。此處的收益範例並非旨在保​​證特定的結果, 而是根據廣泛的 4Life 會員歷史數據, 個人承諾和技能水平顯示可能的結果。透過"終身回饋獎勵計畫"提及的所有收入, 無論是暗示或是陳述, 其目的僅只用於說明。