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在1949年,紐約大學免疫專家 H. Sherwood Lawrence博士認定一種免疫系統反應可以通過一種白血細胞提取物從一個捐贈者轉移到一個接受者身上。他總結說這些提取物包含有一種具備將捐贈者免疫信息傳輸給接受者的“因子”。
在1998年,4Life®的創辦者 David and Bianca Lisonbee獲得了從牛初乳提取傳輸因子的專利。4Life傳輸因子的引進打開了支持免疫系統的產品新品類的大門。4Life對傳輸因子研究的承諾已經日漸提升了現代免疫系統補充品的標準。
4Life傳輸因子通過提升您免疫系統的效力來支持您的健康能量水平。* 當您的免疫系統可以正常運轉了,您就擁有了大量的精力去做您喜歡的事情。此外,您擁有了越多能量,您的身體對新威脅的反應也能更快。
Don't like swallowing capsules? No problem! You can get 4Life Transfer Factor® Classic in chewable citrus-cream tablets or a powder you can add to any food or drink. You can also get 4Life Transfer Factor® Tri-Factor® Formula in chewable citrus-cream tablets. These three products are safe for ages 4 and up!
NanoFactor is 4Life’s exclusive extract of nano-filtered cow colostrum.
4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula helps balance and support the immune system. It contains ingredients made by the immune system, for the immune system: UltraFactor® from cow colostrum, NanoFactor from cow colostrum, and OvoFactor® from chicken egg yolk.*
Yes. The extraction process for transfer factors from chicken egg yolk is protected by U.S. Patent 6,468,534. Exclusive combination techniques for transfer factors from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolk are protected by U.S. Patent 6,866,868.
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