

推薦獎金計算方式為, 由你親自推薦的每位新優惠顧客首筆訂單, 賺取該筆訂單積分 25% 的獎金, 也可分別從團隊內第 2 層和第 3 層的每位新會員首筆訂單,賺取該筆訂單積分 12% 和 5% 的獎金。當你當月已達成 100 PV 的資格時, 隔日推薦獎金就會顯示在你的 4Life 帳戶中*


  • 推薦獎金何時付款?
    當你當月達到 100PV 時, 推薦獎金就會在隔日顯示在你的 4Life 帳戶中。
  • 我如何得到推薦獎金?
    當月達到 100PV 時,你就有資格獲得當月的推薦獎金。
  • 我可以賺取幾次推薦獎金?
    只要你當月完成100 PV, 推薦獎金的領取就沒有次數的限制。
  • 推薦獎金的快速支付有幾層?
    你可從親自推薦的新優惠顧客首筆訂單,賺取該訂單積分 25% 的獎金,並可從團隊內第 2 層的新優惠顧客首筆訂單,賺取該訂單積分 12% 的獎金和第 3 層的每個新優惠顧客首筆訂單中賺取 LP 的 5%。


解鎖 Me and My3® 的功能,賺取以下 3 個展業獎金: $50, $200, or $800

加入 4Life 忠誠計畫,將你喜愛的 4Life 產品每月宅配健康到家。維持符合資格的訂單,每月可獲得滿額好禮以及可兌換免費產品的紅利點數!

MyShop 是你的個人專屬網站, 你可與他人共享會員價格, 以賺取現金回饋或獎金回饋。

入手指定系列,解鎖超過 4 萬美元之額外發展獎金。

Rapid Rewards Terms and Conditions

Rapid Rewards is a program designed to reward you fast. Eligible recipients earn commissions on the product purchases of new Preferred Customers they personally enroll. And the best part? Rapid Rewards are paid out to your 4Life account daily!

  • Rapid Rewards are applicable to all ranks of Associate and above.
  • To receive a Rapid Reward, an Affiliate must qualify with 100 PV in the current month.
  • On all LP orders placed within the first three months, you earn a 25% commission on your personally enrolled Preferred Customers, 12% on new Preferred Customers on your second level, and 5% on new Preferred Customers on your third level.
  • If an Affiliate has not yet achieved 100 PV in the current month, the Rapid Reward will be retained by 4Life and paid to the Affiliate’s 4Life account the day after they achieve 100 PV, or it will be paid with the monthly bonus calculation.
  • Qualify as a Diamond or higher and receive the fourth generation 2% commission with the generational bonus. The entire 2% commission of the fourth generation will be paid to the first eligible Diamond (or higher) and will not be split (as with Infinity Pass Through).
  • Rapid Rewards payouts and terms and conditions also apply to Emerging Markets (markets where 4Life does not have an office).
  • Affiliates will not receive a Rapid Reward on purchases from a Brand Ambassador account.
**優惠顧客和會員的收入受各種不同因素所影響, 因此, 網站中所揭露的收入聲明並非保證的結果, 而是根據大多數 4Life 優惠顧客和會員的資料數據, 以及因個人投入大量時間和努力, 並持續堅持的可能結果。所有透過 4Life 終身回饋計畫所引用的收入說明或比喻僅供參考。