4Life Transfer Factor® Collagen

想要留住青春, 可不能只有心理年齡年輕... 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen 為全面性抗老營養成分, 包含了 5 種型態的膠原蛋白, 可幫助支持關節, 肌肉, 髮絲和肌膚健康, 含獨家 4Life Transfer Factor® 傳輸因子可幫助教育並強升免疫防禦力, 並添加維生素 A, C, E 和生物素等多種抗氧化營養素, 以及多種抗老植物萃取成分, 可改善肌膚保水度, 使肌膚透亮, 彈潤, 並撫平細紋。 根據臨床研究發現, 每天只需取 1 包 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen 隨身包, 以 8 oz 的飲用水或添加在喜愛的飲品中, 就可享有美味好喝的草莓芒果口味膠原飲品, 連續飲用 42 天就能讓你感受由內而外的青春永駐!*

Product Supports

Healthy Aging 健康老化 Skin Health and Beauty 肌膚保養

產品成分介紹 : 提升全面健康的卓越成分

Along with UltraFactor and OvoFactor, helps immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest*
Source: USA
Along with UltraFactor XF and NanoFactor, helps immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest*
Source: USA
Along with OvoFactor and NanoFactor, helps immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest*
Source: USA
Hydrolyzed fish collagen
Source of type I collagen to support skin elasticity and hydration
Source: Korea
Chicken bone broth
Source of types I, II, and III collagen to support joint health*
Source: USA
Egg shell membrane
From the clear film that lines eggshells, a source of types I, V, and X collagen, which are all great for joint health*
Source: USA
Wheat extract
Extract that contains ceramides to help create a barrier for prevention of water loss in skin*
Source: France

Transfer Factor Collagen 並含有:

Biotin - A water-soluble B vitamin that supports healthy hair and nails*
Vitamin A - A fat-soluble vitamin that contributes to skin cell development*
Vitamin C (Collagen) - A water-soluble vitamin that serves as an important cofactor in collagen synthesis and provides antioxidant support*
Vitamin E - A fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties*
Astaxanthin - A carotenoid extracted from algae with powerful antioxidant properties*

  • 產品細節

    想要留住青春, 可不能只有心理年齡年輕... 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen 為全面性抗老營養成分, 包含了 5 種型態的膠原蛋白, 可幫助支持關節, 肌肉, 髮絲和肌膚健康, 含獨家 4Life Transfer Factor® 傳輸因子可幫助教育並強升免疫防禦力, 並添加維生素 A, C, E 和生物素等多種抗氧化營養素, 以及多種抗老植物萃取成分, 可改善肌膚保水度, 使肌膚透亮, 彈潤, 並撫平細紋。 根據臨床研究發現, 每天只需取 1 包 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen 隨身包, 以 8 oz 的飲用水或添加在喜愛的飲品中, 就可享有美味好喝的草莓芒果口味膠原飲品, 連續飲用 42 天就能讓你感受由內而外的青春永駐!*

  • 主要特色

  • Patents

  • 健康支援

  • 主要成分

  • 產品規格

  • 建議用量

  • The Immune System Connection

  • 資源

  • 其他資料

傳輸因子為大自然的免疫智慧, 可協助體內辨識, 反應和記憶 (簡稱 3Rs)潛在的健康威脅*

辨識 (Recognize)


辨識 (Recognize)

傳輸因子為負責傳遞重要訊息的天然小分子物質, 可協助免疫細胞快速辨識入侵的健康威脅*

反應 (Respond)


反應 (Respond)

傳輸因子可幫助免疫系統面對潛在威脅時, 採取更快速的反應機制*

記憶 (Remember)


記憶 (Remember)

傳輸因子可幫助記憶免疫系統曾遭遇的健康威脅之構成, 當再遇見時, 體內可更快速地辨識威脅, 並以更快速的反應來抵禦*